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Insect Facts
Aphids on Trees & Shrubs
Birch Leafminer
Black Vine Weevil
Boxelder Bug
Bronze Birch Borer
Clear Wing Borer
Common Oak Galls
Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid
Cottony Maple Scale
Cytospora Canker of Spruce
Eastern & Forest Tent Caterpillars
Eastern Spruce Gall Adelgid
Elm Leaf Beetle
Emerald Ash Borer
Emerald Ash Borer More Info
Euonymus Scale
European Pine Sawfly
Fall Webworm
Gypsy Moth Larvae
Japanese Beetle
Lace Bugs
Lecanium Scales
Magnolia Scale
Maple Bladder Gall
Mimosa Webworm
Orange-striped Oakworm
Oystershell Scale
Peachtree Borer
Pine Needle Scale
Redheaded Pine Sawfly
Spider Mites
Spring & Fall Cankerworms
White Pine Weevil
Woodboring, Roundheaded & Flatheaded Borer Adults
Zimmerman Pine Moth

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